Sunday, March 2, 2014

Wrong Dog

There is an old Native American proverb (I'm not sure which nation) that explains we have two dogs inside of us. One dog represents good and the other represents bad. These two dogs are constantly fighting, and the one who will win is the one we feed more. From my last post, it is obvious I have been feeding the wrong dog.

I am not sure exactly how to go about this, but I am going to feed the right dog from now on. I am going to try to have a more positive look on my life. Any suggestions?

So I have spent a lot of time today reading a bunch of stuff on the internet about fighting depression and insecurity since I think these are my two biggest problems. Sadly the majority of them are pretty vague, not really offering any real advice. But I did get a couple things out of it.

First was to take a look back to see what happened. I haven't always had these feelings, and the idea is to find what changed. To look back and find the cause in order to clean it out. This will of course take some time and serious self reflection.

Second is physical exercise. I already swim laps a couple times a week, but it isn't very regular. I am going to try to set a set time for when I go and make it more of a routine.

Other than that I just have vague ideas of how I want to improve my life. Because I don't like how it is right now. 

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