Tuesday, December 31, 2013

It's more than just a fetish

For my first post I thought I would explain a little bit about Diaper Lovers. While everyone is different I hope to answer questions about why any grown adult would like to wear diapers, explaining why I do. Or at least trying to...

I grew up as the youngest in my family. Overall I had a great childhood. My parents are still together to this day and I can remember many happy times with my brothers and sisters. But I was a bedwetter. The doctor said it was caused by my heavy sleeping. I would go so far under that the need to pee wasn't strong enough to wake me up. My parents kept me in Pull-Ups until I was ten when they decided enough was enough, and we got it fixed with some high tech stuff.
While I was still wearing the Pull-Ups at night as a kid, I would sometimes sneak a pair on during the day. I just liked how they felt as a kid. I hadn't gone through puberty, so it wasn't anything sexual, I just liked the padding.
After I lost the Pull-Ups I was upset to see them go. I was happy to be in control of my bladder, but sad to lose the comfort that came with them. I spend many hours day dreaming what it would be like to wear them again. One time I even stole some baby diapers from a friend to try to recreate the feeling, but it just wasn't the same. They didn't feel right.
As I went through puberty everything started to change. Diapers became a sexual object in my mind, and I wanted them also for that reason. Since I was still living with my parents, I never risked buying them (even though I had a job and my own car) for risk of them finding out. I was afraid of what they might think and say.
My desire for diapers started to wane as I fell in love and developed a relationship. As I got closer to her, I didn't want to wear. It wasn't until later that I found out why, which I will explain later.
After we broke up and left our hometown, I had mixed feelings about going back to diapers. I felt ashamed since they are not part of the "norm" in both my sexual and nonsexual desires for them. When I finally did I had to work hard at hiding them from roommates. Partly because I have no other reason for wearing them other than I like to, and most would see that as weird. I am afraid that they wouldn't accept me if they knew. (In fact I have only told one person about this part of my life.)
Then once again I found a girl that I liked and we started a relationship. And once again, the closer we got the less I wanted to wear diapers. It was a little after we broke up, when I came back to diapers, that I started to understand why. Why I wear diapers, and why I don't want to as I form a relationship with someone.
I started wearing as a kid for comfort as I mentioned above. Diapers are just comfortable. But as I have come to find out, diapers are my help. When I am feeling down on myself, when I am feeling stressed from work or people, when I am feeling exhausted, when I am just feeling like crap, a diaper gives me support. It feels like a hug that doesn't stop. It gives me the confidence that I can make it through the day. So yes, I am aroused by diapers, but I am a guy in my early 20s, I get aroused pretty easily. But they are so much more to me than that, and arousal is the last thing on my mind when I put them on.
For all of you out there who are reading this all grossed out, give it a try. Many websites that sell diapers offer free trials.
For my fellow diaper wearers, let me ask, why do you wear?


  1. Good post, Diapered. On a very basic level, we all--ABs and DLs--wear to fulfill some emotional need for comfort. But beneath that, there are a million shades of gray, shaded by different life experiences.

    I too wet the bed longer than most, but not very often, and I don't remember ever being put back into diapers. Still, I found myself attracted to some form of urine containment before puberty, just like you. How odd.

    My love of diapers (I'm a DL) has waxed and waned over the years, and wasn't a factor for the entire time I was of dating age. But the moment I got married, I also began to travel for work, which allowed me to experiment and it reawakened that part of me.

    So here we are, nearly 20 years later and I still love to wear. I have a wife who knows but wants nothing to do with them, and she has never, ever seen me in a diaper. I think I hope it remains that way . . . I think.

    Anyway, that's my journey in a nutshell.


    1. Thanks for your response RMS. I always enjoy hearing other people's story of their journey into diapers. I'm sad to hear that your wife doesn't want to share that part of your life. But if works for you guys thats all that matters. Besides I'm still single so I don't really understand how married life works...
